Impak Pandemik Covid-19 Terhadap Pembangunan Industri Kreatif dan Pusat Media Serantau di Malaysia

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Development of Creative Industry and Regional Media Centre in Malaysia


  • Abdur Rahman Ahmad Raji TV Pertiwi
  • Ahmad Shueib Sulaiman PEMUDA ISMA
  • Yusre Zulhamize TV Pertiwi
  • Mohd Asyraf Mohd Farique IRIS Institute



pandemik, COVID-19, media, industri kreatif, Malaysia


Era pandemik COVID-19 telah memaksa landskap media dan industri kreatif mengalami perubahan dan proses adaptasi secara langsung. Kajian ini menganalisa sejauh mana implikasi pandemik COVID-19 terhadap struktur media dan industri kreatif dari beberapa perspektif kritikal iaitu digitalisasi dan teknologi 5G, medium media baru sebagai sumber maklumat, perkembangan tenaga kreatif, penghasilan kandungan kreatif, dominasi media asing, kemampuan media tempatan sebagai sumber rujukan serantau, serta capaian media tempatan terhadap audiens global. Keseluruhan kajian ini digarap dengan data sekunder daripada dokumen agensi dan kerajaan, laporan berautoriti, surat khabar, serta data primer daripada perbincangan bersama ahli pakar akademik.  Hasil kajian mendapati pandemik COVID-19 mengesani media dan industri kreatif secara langsung terutama dalam aspek digitalisasi akibat daripada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang mengekang operasi media secara fizikal. Kajian mendapati berlaku peningkatan penggunaan internet secara mendadak dan peningkatan pengaruh media baharu dan media sosial dalam masyarakat. Situasi ini memberikan landskap baharu kepada industri media dan kreatif apabila masyarakat secara umum mampu bersaing secara langsung dengan pemain industri dalam mencorak karya kreatif dan mendapatkan sumber maklumat secara langsung dan terkini, tanpa pengantara media massa.



The COVID-19 pandemic era has forced the media and creative industry to experience direct changes and adaptation process. This study examines the extent of the pandemic implications on the structure of the media and creative industry in Malaysia from several critical perspectives such as adoption of digital and 5G technology, new media as a source of information, the development of creative human capital and production of creative content as well as the influence of domestic and foreign media. This study obtained secondary data from various government documents, authoritative reports and newspapers as well as primary data from discussions with academic experts. The findings of this study show that the COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected the media and creative industry in Malaysia especially the digitalization aspect as a result of the Movement Control Order (MCO) which limited media operations physically. The study found that there was a sudden increase of internet usage and greater influence of new media and social media in the society. This situation provides new media landscape whereby society members can compete directly with industry players in producing creative works and obtain up-to-date information directly without the mediation of the mass media.



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How to Cite

Ahmad Raji, A. R. ., Sulaiman, A. S. ., Zulhamize, Y., & Mohd Farique, M. A. (2022). Impak Pandemik Covid-19 Terhadap Pembangunan Industri Kreatif dan Pusat Media Serantau di Malaysia: The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Development of Creative Industry and Regional Media Centre in Malaysia. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Strategic Studies, 3(5), 316-333.